Friday, May 15, 2015

How to solve a Rubik's cube

7 Steps to Solving Rubiks Cube

To be able to do that, there are two things you will need:
 1) Your Rubiks Cube - if you haven't got one, you can't solve it! So go ahead, run to the toy store and buy one. Lol.
2) Your Patience - 
without it, there's no way you're going to be able to solve the Rubiks Cube!

A few tips to help you solve the Rubiks cube much easier:

a) Center-squares' colors are unchangeable which means these are your bases as to what color to put on a side just as shown below:

b)Kinds of Pieces: 8 Corner pieces, 12 Edge pieces, 6 Center pieces. See below:

d) Turning the Faces - In this 7-step guide on How to Solve a Rubiks Cube, you will encounter Algorithms which will tell you which way and which face of the cube to turn. For example I would say:
U, that means you have to turn the top face clockwise. Or if I say Ui, that means you have to turn the top face counter-clockwise. So basically,

U=up (top)
D=down (bottom)
i=inverted (counter clockwise)

To solve a Rubiks Cube you must shuffle your cube for 20 mins.! Just kidding. Just shuffle it.

STEP1 (White Cross)Algorithm1: Fi, U, Li, Ui
Goal: To form a cross on the top face while aligning the edge pieces with the center pieces on all four front, right,left, and back faces. See illustration below:

A. How to do it:
1)Position your cube where the white center piece is on Top.
2)Look for the four edge pieces that has whites in it (white&blue, white&red, white&green, white&orange) and begin arranging them so that they form the figure shown above

Finding it difficult? Study the example below:

B. Reminder:
In this step, you will sometimes be in a situation where you have already flipped an edge piece in the right position BUT the colors are oriented the wrong way. This is where you use Algorithm 1. See figure below:

STEP 2(letter Ts)
Algorithm: Ri Di R D
Goal: To complete the top face while also forming letter 'T's in all four front, right, left, and back faces.

See below :

How to do it:
1) You need to find the four corner pieces with a color of the Top face (white&red&blue, white&red&green, white&green&orange, white&orange&blue).
2) Once you find one, place it directly below its correct position and perform Algorithm 2. 

3) Repeat Algorithm 2 either once, thrice, or five times until the corner piece gets in to the right position.


Algorithm 3a: Ui Li U L U F Ui Fi
Algorithm 3b: U R Ui Ri Ui Fi U F
Shuffle Algorithm: L Ui Li Ui

Goal: To complete two bottom lines on all four front, right, left, and back faces. Like below:

How to do it:
1) Turn the cube upside down so that the white face is now the bottom face and the yellow face is now the top face.
2)Find an edge piece located on the Top face that does not have any Yellow in it.

Note: Sometimes all edge pieces may have yellow in them. Follow the Shuffle Algorithm and an edge piece with yellow will appear.

3) Flip the top face to align that edge piece with its corresponding color then make it as your Front face. 
In my example below, I aligned it to the blue face which then became my Front face.

4) Look at the 2nd color of that edge piece. In my case, it's orange. You will find out that that color is either the color of your left face or right face. In mine, orange is the color of my left face.
If it is the color of your left face, do Algorithm 3a
If it is the color of your right face, do Algorithm 3b

5) Repeat these steps until you form the Goal.

STEP 4 (Yellow Cross)
Algorithm 4: F R U Ri Ui Fi
Goal: To form a yellow cross on the top face.

How to do it:
1) After completing step 3, you will always end up with having formed either a dot, a 9 o'clock, a horizontal line, or a cross on the top (yellow) face. Like these:

2) Perform Algorithm 4 repeatedly to form the cross (unless you're lucky to already have the cross).

STEP 5 (Tank)
Algorithm 5a: R U Ri U R U U Ri
Algorithm 5b: R U Ri U R U U Ri U
Goal: To form four tanks on all front,right,left, and back faces.

Wondering what's a tank?

How to do it:
1) You first need to flip the top face any way until you form two tanks positioned either
1a) opposite from each other - one is your front face and the other your
back face. Then,perform Algorithm 5a.
1b) adjacent from each other - on is at your back face and the other at your right face. Then, perform Algorithm 5b.
2) Repeat the Algorithms 5a or 5b until all four sides form a tank.

STEP 6 :
Algorithm 6: U R Ui Li U Ri Ui L
Goal: To place all four corner cubes in their homes on the
top face. See example below:

How to do it:

1) Find a corner piece that is already in its rightful place and turn the entire cube so that the corner piece is directly on the upper right most corner of your Front face.
2) Perform & repeat Algorithm 6 until you have all four corners in their room (disregarding their color orientations).

Reminder: If you can't find any corner piece that is already in its home, you can use any of the four Front,Back, Right, or Left faces as your Front face.


Algorithm 2: Ri Di R D
Goal: To finally solve the Rubiks Cube!
How to do it:
1) Position the entire cube so that an unsolved corner piece is at the upper right most corner of your front face.

2)Perform and repeat Algorithm 7. (Don't worry about messing it all up - it will magically go back to the way it should be).
3) Once you've solved one corner piece, turn the Top face only so that the other unsolved corner piece/s is at the upper right most corner of your front face.
4) Then repeat no. 2 & 3 until you have solved everything!

CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE NOW SOLVED A RUBIKS CUBE in JUST 7 STEPS! You must be proud of yourself! Not everyone can solve a Rubiks Cube!

Just keep practicing and master the steps! Share this guide to your friends and family and pets. Remember, human knowledge belongs to the world

Alcoholism in teenagers

It is common to feel attracted of consume alcohol when you are young especially at parties, bars, etc. Some people the alcohol makes them feel bigger or mature; others do it to fit in a group of friends and another one just like it. This is normal. At the stage of adolescence young people are looking to do things that they didn’t do as a child to feel that they are growing and  becoming more independent in decision-making, however this age are still not aware of the consequences that alcohol can you caused.
There are many products containing alcohol available for young people, a fairly accessible and not punishable by law, unless it is drunk in the street price.
It is important to emphasize that adolescence is a vulnerable stage addictions as the harmful effects of any toxic are more damaging in an organism under development.
The alcohol is the most frequently drug used by teenagers in the world.
Significant statistics regarding alcohol use in teens include that about half of junior and senior drink alcohol on a monthly basis and 14% of teens have been intoxicated at least once in the past year. Nearly 8% of teens who drink say: they drink at least five or more alcoholic drinks in a row.
 What are the symptoms of alcohol abuse in teens?
Some of the most common symptoms of alcohol abuse in teenagers include lying, making excuses, breaking curfew, staying in their room, becoming verbally or physically abusive toward others, having items in their possession that are connected to alcohol use, the smell of alcohol on their breath or body, mood swings, stealing, and changes in friends.

What are the dangerous effects of alcohol use in teens?
Just a few of the many dangers of alcohol use in teens include the following:
  • Alcohol decreases teens' ability to pay attention.
  • Teens who have experienced alcohol withdrawal tend to have difficulties with memory.
  • The teenage brain that has been exposed to alcohol is at risk for being smaller in certain parts.
  • Each year, almost 2,000 people under the age of 21 die in car crashes in which underage drinking is involved. Alcohol is involved in nearly half of all violent deaths involving youth.
  • Intoxication is associated with suicide attempts using more lethal methods, and positive blood alcohol levels are often found in people who complete suicide.
  • Teens who drink are more likely to engage in sexual activity, have unprotected sex, have sex with a stranger, or be the victim or perpetrator of a sexual assault.
  • Excess alcohol use can cause or mask other emotional problems, like anxiety or depression.
  • Drinking in excess can lead to the use of other drugs, like marijuana, cocaine, or heroin. 
Here you have a lot of consequences of drinking alcohol, so you decide if you continue drinking a lot or stop drinking. You can have fun without alcohol because you only need friends and attitude to enjoy life.

The Luxurious Lifestyle

In life, few people are those that manage to be successful and have a good economic level. and when these few people manage to get it is when your life is transformed and begin to have every kind of luxury.

Live below the Possibilities

The millionaires are frugal. This means that at any time, make more money than you spend.
But there is something important to keep in mind, is that they are not necessarily so because they are already millionaires, but they were from the beginning, when they had a lot of money or even when they had nothing.

Invest time, energy and money Efficiently

If there is anything that millionaires are good, it is to manage its resources efficiently. This has to do directly with doing things "in a certain way" as Wattles says in his book.
Analyzes how efficiently you're investing your time, your money and your life energy every day, and see who can improve some things.

Economic independence vs. status

For a millionaire, it is much more valuable, to be free and independent, to be seen by society just like a millionaire.
It's important to be totally free of money worries, the neighbors think, "Oh, my neighbor has a lot of money" when they really did not sleep well at night because of the problems we face.
if now you've managed to be successful this will seem familiar and do not result strange, but if you have not yet reached it and you want to have it, put struggle attention to the following, and I will show you how you can become I hit someone through 10 simple steps.

1. Follow the money. In the economic environment of today you can not get the status of millionaire. The first step is to focus on increasing your income increases and repeat that. My income was $ 3,000 per month and nine years later were $ 20,000 per month. Begins to follow the money and that will force you to control your income and see opportunities.

2. Do not brag, show yourself to work. I did not buy my first luxury watch or car until my business and investment insurance were producing multiple streams of income. Still he is driving a Toyota Camry when I became a millionaire.
I am recognized for your work ethic, not for the things you buy.
3. Save to invest, do not save for save. The only reason to save money is to invest it later. Put it in a safe and untouchable account. Never use these accounts, even for an emergency. This will force you to keep up with number one (follow the money).
Today, at least twice a year, I'm broke because I always invest my surplus in companies that I can not enter.
4. Avoid debt that does not pay you. I borrowed money for a car just because I knew I could increase my income. The rich people use debt to leverage investments and grow their cash flows. Poor people use debt to buy things that make the rich richer.
5. Treat the money as a jealous lover. Millions of people want economic freedom, but only those who do have millions priority. To be rich and stay that way you gotta do it your priority. If you ignore this you ignore or worse, he will leave for someone who does not take priority.
6. Money never sleeps. Money knows no clocks, schedules or vacations and neither should you. Money loves people with work ethic.
When I was 26 I was in retail and the store where she worked closed at 7 pm Often you could find me there at 11pm selling something else. Never try to be the smartest or the luckiest person, just be sure to work harder than others.
7. Being poor does not make sense. I've been poor and stinks. He had enough and it also stunk. Eliminates all ideas that being poor is somehow good. Bill Gates said, "If you are born poor, it's not your fault. But if you die poor, it's your fault. "
8. Find a millionaire mentor. Most of us grew up in a middle class or poor and limit ourselves to the ideas of a group. I have studied millionaires to duplicate what they did. Find your personal mentor and study it. Most rich people are very generous with their knowledge and resources.
9. Make your money lift heavy things. Investing is the Holy Grail to become a millionaire and you should make more money from your investments to your work. If you have extra money you will not make investments.
The second company I started require an investment of $ 50,000. That company has given me back the same amount each month for the past ten years.
My third investment was in real estate, where I started with 350 thousand, much of what we had at the time. I am still owns the property and continues to give me income. Investing is the only reason to do the other steps and your money to work for you and lift heavy things.
10. It aims to have 10 million, not 1 million. The biggest financial mistake I ever made was not thinking big. There is no shortage of money on this planet, only a shortage of people who do not think big.
Apply these 10 steps and you will become a millionaire. Put aside the people who say that your financial dreams are by greed. Avoid make you rich quick schemes, be ethical, never give up and once you make it, helping others to arrive there too.
now it's your choice, you will know what kind of life you want, how you want to live, so if after all this, you complain about why you fail to obtain the success and because you have enough money, it's just your fault and it is not for anyone else, and I have given the material to be, and most importantly, never, ever you get to deal with people or be indifferent to them only because of their economic level.